Curriculum Vitae

Deutsch - English

Susan Wrschka

International Experienced Knit and Fashion Designer in Leading Positions

born on 29. April 1963 in Pennsylvania / USA

Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 16, 97218 Gerbrunn / Würzburg
Mobil:  +49174 7750006


seit 08/2017

freiberuflich selbständige Modedesignerin


Amsterdam Fashion Academy, Workshop "Smart Fashion Community - Smart Textiles"

since 04/2014

Vice President VDMD, Association of German Fashion and Textile Designers
regular lectures at the MFS, Munich Fabric Start and at
knowledge transfer events of the VDMD at textile training institutes

04/2006 – 07/2017

International Creative Art Director Knitwear (main responsible)
for the label BLACK LABEL WOMAN, s. Oliver GmbH & Co. KG, Rottendorf

08/2001 – 03/2006

nternational Creative Art Director knitwear, (main responsible)
Marc Aurel, Gütersloh

08/2000 – 08/2001

ItF, continuing education, Institute for technology-oriented women Education reg. Association, Kassel

  • communication techniques, Business English
  • project work and presentation,
  • project management
  • intercultural business communication
  • Economics and Business
08/1997 – 03/2000

Diplom Fashion-Designer, (main responsible)
Hauber Fashion, Nürtingen

09/1993 – 08/1997

Project Manager costume and stage designer, mask,
Junges Theater, Eschwege

12/1994 – 12/1995

Lecturer for practical seminar, High School for the arts, Berlin-Weissensee

02/1993 – 10/1996

Diplom Fashion-Designer, Bode Strick GmbH, Wanfried

12/1990 – 12/1993

Lecturer in knitting technology with computer technology, working in the
area of fashion, University of Applied Sciences Trier

11/1989 – 12/1992

Assistant position in the department of fashion design,
University of Applied Sciences, Trier,
Additional freelance work as a fashion designer


09/1985 – 11/1989

Studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Trier,
University of Applied Sciences ,Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz
University leaving certificate: Diplom Designer

11/1984 – 04/1985

Design- Tailoring internship, Mara Michel,
boutique and design studio Mara-Modelle, Würzburg

10/1983 – 10/1984

Studied English and Roman Languages (3 semester),
Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg

09/1974 – 06/1983

Mozart-Gymnasium, Würzburg
School leaving certificate: High School Certificate


Return to Germany: Transfer to the primary school, Biedenkopf/ Lahn

09/1969 – 03/1973

Elementary School, Pershing Park School, Fort Hood, Texas/ USA



Leadership Training, Neuland Academy, Würzburg/Ochsenfurt
ItF, continuing education, Institute for technology-oriented
women’s education, reg. Association, Kassel
Flat knitting machines, Firma Universal, Westhausen; with Diploma
Ladies Wear -Distance Learning Course Gardeur; with certificate


Nude Drawing, VKU, Association of Freelance Artists, Würzburg
Nude Painting, European Academy of Fine Arts, Trier
Photography, European Academy of Fine Arts, Trier
Painting and free design, European Academy of Fine Arts, Trier



German (nativ speaker)
English (nativ speaker)
Italian (good basic knowledge)
Französisch (Basic knowledge)
Spanisch (Expandable)


Text processing programs, Koppermann, TexDesign, Photoshop, PDM, PLM, Illustrator, Power Point


Running, swimming, yoga, horse riding, mountain hiking, trekking bike, painting, reading, traveling


First prize of the German Institute for men's fashion Cologne
(competition "Summer knits")